Good news! XIDE Elevator has successfully been listed on the "2023 Jiangsu Province Quality Credit AA Level Enterprise List"


        Recently, the Jiangsu Provincial Administration for Market Regulation and the Jiangsu Provincial Development and Reform Commission jointly issued a notice to jointly release the list of AAA and AA level quality and credit enterprises in Jiangsu Province for the year 2023. Jiangsu Xide Elevator Co., Ltd. has successfully passed the certification and been listed on the "2023 Jiangsu Province Quality Credit AA Level Enterprise List"!



         The recognition of quality credit enterprises in Jiangsu Province is a key task undertaken by the Provincial Administration for Market Regulation and the Provincial Development and Reform Commission to strengthen the construction of the enterprise quality credit system, promote the high-quality development of the enterprise quality credit system, and guide enterprises to strengthen their awareness of quality credit. The recognition of provincial quality credit enterprises is not only conducive to creating a fair and orderly market environment, but also to promoting trustworthy business operations and encouraging enterprises to pursue a healthy path of quality development. The recognition of evaluation levels is a concrete manifestation of the comprehensive strength and core competitiveness of enterprises. West Germany Elevator will continue to promote the construction of a quality credit system to meet the needs of customers for high-quality elevators.


(West Germany Elevator CNAS accredited laboratory promotes high-quality development of enterprises) 

        As a rated AA quality credit enterprise in Jiangsu Province in 2023, XIDE Elevator has always attached great importance to the construction of the quality credit system, continuously improved its comprehensive strength, and actively practiced a management model with outstanding leadership, organizational efficiency, technological innovation, information leadership, and business lean as its core characteristics. West Germany Elevator always regards product quality as the life of the enterprise, constantly deepening and exploring product value. In the current era of Internet of Things and intelligent manufacturing, West Germany's elevators gather core technological advantages and take "providing customers with high-quality and all-round elevator products and services" as its responsibility, continuously improving and building the brand value of the enterprise, and leading the enterprise towards new development directions!






